
We are committed to providing Open Access to our research. If you need access to any scholarly journal articles published in the lab, please send an email to or Dr. Werker (, and we will be happy to provide the articles. 

Journal Articles


Soderstrom, Melanie, Joscelin Rocha-Hidalgo, Luis E. Muñoz, Agata Bochynska, Janet F. Werker, Barbora Skarabela, Amanda Seidl, et al. Testing the Relationship between Preferences for Infant-Directed Speech and Vocabulary Development: A Multi-Lab Study. Journal of Child Language, 2024, 1–26. (Open Access)

Cui, A. X., Kraeutner, S. N., Kepinska, O., Motamed Yeganeh, N., Hermiston, N., Werker, J. F., & Boyd, L. A. (2024). Musical Sophistication and Multilingualism: Effects on Arcuate Fasciculus Characteristics. Human brain mapping45(14), e70035. (Open Access)

Werker, J. F. (2024). Phonetic perceptual reorganization across the first year of life: Looking back. Infant Behavior and Development, 75, 101935. (Open Access)


Motamed Yeganeh, N., McKee, T., Werker, J. F., Hermiston, N., Boyd, L. A., & Cui, A. X. (2024). Opera trainees’ cognitive functioning is associated with physiological stress during performance. Musicae scientiae : the journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music28(2), 365–374. (Open Access)

Cui, A. X., Kraeutner, S. N., Motamed Yeganeh, N., Hermiston, N., Werker, J. F., & Boyd, L. A. (2023). Resting-state brain connectivity correlates of musical sophistication. Frontiers in human neuroscience17, 1195996. (Open Access)

Choi, D., Yeung, H. H., & Werker, J. F. (2023). Sensorimotor foundations of speech perception in infancy. Trends in cognitive sciences27(8), 773–784.

Nallet, C., Berent, I., Werker, J. F., & Gervain, J. (2023). The neonate brain’s sensitivity to repetition-based structure: Specific to speech?. Developmental science26(6), e13408. (Open Access)


Orena, A.J., Mader, A.S., & Werker, J.F. (2022). Learning to recognize unfamiliar voices: An online study with 12-and 24-month-olds. Frontiers in Psychology, Developmental Psychology, (13), 874411. (Open Access)

Arredondo, M.M., Aslin, R.N., & Werker, J.F. (2022). Bilingualism alters infants’ cortical organization for attentional orienting mechanisms. Developmental Science, 25(2), e13172.

Arredondo, M.M, Aslin, R.N., Zhang, M., & Werker, J.F. (2022) Attentional orienting abilities in bilinguals: Evidence from a large infant sample. Infant Behavior and Development, 66, 101683.

Weatherhead, D., & Werker, J. F. (2022). 20‐month‐olds selectively generalize newly learned word meanings based on cues to linguistic community membership. Developmental Science, e13234. Advance Online.


Soderstrom, M., and the Many Babies Consortium, with Werker J.F., and 35 others. (2021). Testing the Relationship Between Preferences for Infant-Directed Speech and Vocabulary Development: A Multi-Lab Study. Journal of Child Language. (Open Access)

Choi, D., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Peña, M., & Werker, J.F. (2021). Neural Indicators of articulator-specific sensorimotor influences on infant speech perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 118(20), e2025043118. (Open Access)

The ManyBabies Consortium, with Werker. J.F. and 37 others (2021). A multi-lab study of bilingual infants: Exploring the preference for infant-directed speech. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4(1), 1-30. (Open Access)

Orena, A.J. & Werker, J.F. (2021). Infants’ Mapping of New Faces to New Voices. Child Development. (Advance Online)

Reh, R., Hensch, T., & Werker, J.F. (2021). Distributional learning of speech sound categories is gated by sensitive periods. Cognition, 213, 104653.

Weatherhead, D., Arredondo, M.M., Nácar Garcia, L., & Werker, J.F. (2021). The role of audiovisual speech in fast-mapping and novel word retention in monolingual and bilingual 24-month-olds. Brain Sciences, 11, 114. (Open Access)

Weatherhead, D., Kandhadai, P., Hall, D.G., & Werker, J.F. (2021). Putting mutual exclusivity in context: Speaker race influences monolingual and bilingual infants’ word-learning assumptions. Child Development. 92(5), 1735-1751.


Choi, D., Batterink, L., Black A., & Werker, J.F. (2020). Prelingual infants discover statistical word patterns at similar rates as adults: Evidence from neural entrainment. Psychological Science, 31(9), 1161-1173.

de la Cruz Pavía, I., Gervain, J., Vatikiotis-Bateson, E., & Werker, J.F. (2020). Co-verbal speech gestures signal phrase boundaries: A production study of Japanese and English infant- and adult-directed speech. Language Acquisition, 27(2), 160-186. (Open Access)

de la Cruz Pavía, I., Werker, J.F., Vatikiotis-Bateson, E., & Gervain, J. (2020). Finding phrases: The interplay of word frequency, phrasal prosody and co-verbal visual information in chunking speech by monolingual and bilingual adults. Language and Speech, 63(2), 264-291. (Open Access)

The ManyBabies Consortium, with Werker. J.F. and 148 others (2020). Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(1), 24-52. (Open Access)

Maurer, D., Ghloum, J.K., Gibson, L.C., Watson, M., Chen, L.M., Akins, K., Enns, J., Hensch, T.K. & Werker, J.F. (2020). Reduced Perceptual Narrowing in Synesthesia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(18), 10089-10096. (See Erratum here).

Reh, R., Dias, B., Nelson, C. Kaufer, D., Werker, J.F., Kolb, B., Levine, J., & Hensch, T.K. (2020). Critical period regulation across multiple timescales. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(38), 23242-23251.


Choi, D., Bruderer, A.G., & Werker, J.F. (2019). Sensorimotor influences on speech perception in pre-babbling infants – replication and extension of Bruderer et al. (2015). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(4), 1388-1399.

de la Cruz Pavía, I., Gervain, J., Vatikiotis-Bateson, E., & Werker, J.F. (2019). Finding phrases: On the role of co-verbal facial information in learning word order in infancy. PLOS ONE, 14(11), e0224786. (Open Access)

May, L., Baron, A.S., & Werker, J.F. (2019). Who can speak that language? Eleven-month-old infants have language-dependent expectations regarding speaker ethnicity. Developmental Psychobiology, 61(6), 859-873.

Rotem-Kohavi, N., Williams, L.J., Muller, A.M., Abdi, H., Virji-Babul, N., Bjornson, B.H., Brain, U., Werker, J.F., Grunau, R.E., Miller, S.P., & Oberlander, T.F. (2019). Hub distribution of the brain functional networks of newborns prenatally exposed to maternal depression and SSRI antidepressants. Depression & Anxiety, 36(8), 753-765.


Choi, D., Black, A., & Werker, J.F. (2018). Cascading and multisensory influences on speech perception development. Mind, Brain, and Education, 12(4), 212-223.

Curtin, S., & Werker, J.F. (2018). PRIMIR on Tone. [Opinion]. Frontiers in Psychology. [Special Issue on Lexical Tone Perception in Infants and Young Children: Empirical Studies and Theoretical Perspectives], 9, 1007.

Rotem-Kohavi, N., Williams, L.J., Virji-Babul, N., Bjornson, B.H., Brain, U., Werker, J.F., Granau, R.E., Miller, S.P., & Oberlander, T. (2018). Alterations in resting state networks following in utero SSRI exposure in the neonatal brain. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 4(1), 39-49.

Werker, J.F. (2018). Perceptual beginnings to language acquisition. [Target article with peer commentaries]. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(4), 703-728.


Danielson, D.K., Bruderer, A.G., Kandhadai, P., Vatikiotis-Bateson, E., & Werker, J.F. (2017). The organization and reorganization of audiovisual speech perception in the first year of life. Cognitive Development, 42, 37-48.

Havy, M., Foroud, A., Fais, L., & Werker, J.F. (2017). The role of auditory and visual speech in word-learning at 18 months and in adulthood. Child Development, 88(6), 2043-2059.

Kandhadai, P., Hall, D.G., & Werker, J.F. (2017). Second label learning in monolingual and bilingual infants. Developmental Science, 20(1), e12429.

Kemp, N., Scott, J., Bernhardt, B.M., Johnson, C.E., Siegel, L.S., & Werker, J.F. (2017). Minimal Pair Word Learning and Vocabulary Size: Links with Later Language Skills. Applied Psycholinguistics, 38(2), 289-314.

May, L., Gervain, J., Carreiras, M., & Werker, J.F. (2017). The Specificity of the Neural Response To Speech at Birth. Developmental Science, 21(3), e12564.


Gervain, J., Werker, J.F., Black, A., & Geffen, M.N. (2016). The neural correlates of processing scale-invariant environmental sounds at birth. Neuroimage, 133, 144-150.


Bruderer, A.G., Danielson, D.K., Kandhadai, P., & Werker, J.F. (2015). Sensorimotor influences on speech perception in infancy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(44), 13531-13536. (Open Access)

Gurnot, C., Martin-Subero, J., Mah, J., Weikum, W., Goodman, S., Brain, U., Werker, J.F., Kobor, M., Esteller, M., Oberlander, T., & Hensch, T.K. (2015). Prenatal antidepressant exposure associated with CYP2E1 DNA methylation change in neonates. Epigenetics, 10(5), 361-372.

Werker, J.F., & Hensch, T.K. (2015). Critical Periods in Speech Perception: New Directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 66, 173-96.


Gervain, J., Werker, J.F., & Geffen, M.N. (2014). Category-specific processing of scale-invariant sounds in infancy. PLOS ONE, 9(5), e96278.

Kandhadai, P., Danielson, D.K., & Werker, J.F. (2014). Culture as a binder for bilingual acquisition. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 3, 24-7.

May, L., & Werker, J.F. (2014). Can a Click be a Word?: Infants’ Learning of Non-Native Words. Infancy, 19(3), 281-300.

Maurer, D., & Werker, J.F. (2014). Perceptual Narrowing During Infancy: A Comparison of Language and Faces. Developmental Psychobiology, 56, 154-78.

Molavi, B., May, L., Gervain, J., Carreiras, M., Werker, J.F., & Dumont, G.A. (2014). Analyzing the resting state functional connectivity in the human language system using near infrared spectroscopy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:921.

Yeung, H.H., Chen, L.M., & Werker, J.F. (2014). Referential labeling can facilitate phonetic learning in infancy. Child Development, 85(3), 1036-49.

Zamuner, T., Fais, L. & Werker, J.F. (2014). Infants track word forms in early word-object associations. Developmental Science, 17(4), 481-91. doi: 10.1111/desc.12149.


Byers-Heinlein, K. & Werker, J.F. (2013). Lexicon Structure and the Disambiguation of Novel Words: Evidence from Bilingual Infants. Cognition, 128(3), 407-16.

Byers-Heinlein, K., Fennell, C.T., & Werker, J.F. (2013). The development of associative word learning in monolingual and bilingual infants. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 16(1), 198-205.

Gervain, J., Vines, B.W., Chen, L.M., Seo, R.J., Hensch, T.K., Werker, J.F., & Young, A.H. (2013). Valproate reopens critical-period learning of absolute pitch. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:102.

Gervain, J. & Werker, J.F. (2013a). Learning non-adjacent regularities at 0;7. Journal of Child Language, 40(4), 860-72.

Gervain, J. & Werker, J.F. (2013b). Prosody cues word order in 7-month-old bilingual infants. Nature Communications, 4, 1490.

Scott, M., Yeung, H.H., Gick, B. & Werker, J.F. (2013). Inner speech captures the perception of external speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(4), 286-93.

Weikum, W.M., Vouloumanos, A., Navarra, J., Soto-Faraco, S., Sebastián-Gallés, N., & Werker, J.F. (2013). Age-related sensitive periods influence visual language discrimination in adults. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:86.

Yeung, H.H., Chen, K.H., & Werker, J.F. (2013). When does native language input affect phonetic perception? The precocious case of lexical tone. Journal of Memory and Language, 68(2), 123-39.

Yeung, H.H. & Werker, J.F. (2013). Lip movements affect infant audiovisual speech perception. Psychological Science, 24(5), 603-12.


Fais, L., Werker, J.F., Brown, C., Leibowich, J., Barbosa, A.V., & Vatikiotis-Bateson, E. (2012). Here’s looking at you, baby: What gaze and movement reveal about minimal pair word-object association at 14 months. Journal of Laboratory Phonology, 3, 91-124.

Gervain, J., Berent, I., & Werker, J.F. (2012). Binding at birth: The newborn brain detects identity relations and sequential position in speech. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 24(3), 564-74.

Palmer, S.B., Fais, L., Golinkoff, R.M., & Werker, J.F. (2012). Perceptual narrowing of linguistic sign occurs in the first year of life. Child Development. 83(2), 543-53.

Pena, M., Werker, J.F., & Dehaene-Lambertz, G. (2012). Earlier speech exposure does not accelerate speech acquisition. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(33), 11159-63.

Pons, F., Biesanz, J.C., Kajikawa, S., Fais, L., Narayan, C.R., Amano, S., & Werker, J.F. (2012). Phonetic category cues in adult-directed speech: evidence from three different languages with distinct vowel characteristics. Psicológica. 33, 175-207.

Sebastián-Gallés, N., Albareda-Castellot, B., Weikum, W., & Werker, J.F. (2012). A bilingual advantage in visual language discrimination in infancy. Psychological Science. 23(9), 994-9.

Small, S.A. & Werker J.F. (2012). Does the ACC have potential as an index of early speech discrimination ability? A preliminary study in four-month-old infants with normal hearing. Ear & Hearing. 33, 6, e59-69.

Weikum, W.M., Oberlander, T.F., Hensch, T.K. & Werker, J.F. (2012). Prenatal exposure to antidepressants and depressed maternal mood alter trajectory of infant speech perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 109(2), 17221-7.

Werker, J.F. (2012). Perceptual Foundations of Bilingual Acquisition in Infancy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience. 1251, 50-61.

Werker, J.F., Yeung, H.H., & Yoshida, K. (2012). How do infants become experts at native speech perception? Current Directions in Psychological Science. 21(4), 221-6.


Curtin, S., Byers-Heinlein, K., & Werker, J.F. (2011). Bilingual beginnings as a lens for theory development: PRIMIR in focus. Journal of Phonetics, 39(4), 492-504.

Geffen, M.N., Gervain, J., Werker, J.F., & O Magnasco, M.O. (2011). Auditory perception of self-similarity in water sounds. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. 5:15.

Gervain, J., Mehler, J., Werker, J.F., Nelson, C.A., Csibra, C., Lloyd-Fox, S., Shukla, M., & Aslin, R.N. (2011). Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Report from the McDonnell Infant Methodology Consortium. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 1, 22-46.

May, L., Byers-Heinlein K., Gervain J., & Werker, J.F. (2011). Language and the newborn brain: does prenatal language experience shape the neonate neural response to speech? Frontiers in Language Sciences. 2:222, 1-9.


Byers-Heinlein, K., Burns, T.C., & Werker, J.F. (2010). The roots of bilingualism in newborns. Psychological Science, 21(3), 343-8.

Fais, L., Kajikawa, S., Amano, S., & Werker, J.F. (2010). Now you hear it, now you don’t: Vowel devoicing in Japanese infant-directed speech. Journal of Child Language, 37(2), 319-40.

Narayan, C., Werker, J.F., & Beddor, P.S. (2010). The interaction between acoustic salience and language experience in developmental speech perception: Evidence from nasal place discrimination. Developmental Science, 13(3), 407-20.

Vouloumanos, A., Hauser, M.D., Werker, J.F., & Martin, A. (2010). The tuning of human neonates’ preference for speech. Child Development, 81(2), 517-27.

Yoshida, K. A., Iversen, J.R., Patel, A.D., Mazuka, R., Nito, H., Gervain, J., & Werker, J.F. (2010). The development of perceptual grouping biases in infancy: A Japanese-English cross-linguistic study. Cognition, 115(2), 356-61.

Yoshida, K. A., Pons, F., Maye, J., & Werker, J.F. (2010). Distributional phonetic learning at 10 months of age. Infancy, 15(4), 420-33.


Byers-Heinlein, K., & Werker, J.F. (2009). Monolingual, bilingual, trilingual: Infants’ language experience influences the development of a word learning heuristic. Developmental Science, 12(5), 815-23.

Fais, L., Kajikawa, S., Amano, S., & Werker, J F. (2009). Infant discrimination of a morphologically relevant word-final contrast. Infancy, 14(4), 488-99.

Mugitani, R., Pons, F., Fais, L., Werker, J.F., & Amano, S. (2009). Perception of vowel length by Japanese- and English-learning infants. Developmental Psychology, 45(1), 236-47.

Vouloumanos, A., & Werker, J.F. (2009). Infants’ learning of novel words in a stochastic environment. Developmental Psychology, 45(6), 1611-7.

Werker, J.F., Byers-Heinlein, K., & Fennell, C. (2009). Bilingual beginnings to learning words. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1536), 3649-63.

Yeung, H.H., & Werker, J.F. (2009). Learning words’ sounds before learning how words sound: 9-Month-olds use distinct objects as cues to categorize speech information. Cognition, 113, 234-43.

Yoshida, K.A., Fennell, C.T., Swingley, D., & Werker, J.F. (2009). Fourteen month-old infants learn similar sounding words. Developmental Science, 12(3), 412-8.


Werker, J.F., & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2008). Bilingualism in infancy: First steps in perception and comprehension of language. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(4), 144-51.


Bernhardt, B.M., Kemp, N., & Werker, J.F. (2007). Early word-object associations and later language development. First Language, 27(4), 315-28.

Burns, T.C., Yoshida, K.A., Hill, K., & Werker, J.F. (2007). The development of phonetic representation in bilingual and monolingual infants. Applied Psycholinguistics, 28(3), 455-74.

Dietrich, C., Swingley, D., & Werker, J.F. (2007). Native language governs interpretation of salient speech sound differences at 18 months. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 104(41), 16027-31.

Fennell, C.T., Byers-Heinlein, K., & Werker, J.F. (2007). Using speech sounds to guide word learning: The case of bilingual infants. Child Development, 78(5), 1510-25.

Mugitani, R., Fais, L., Kajikawa, S., Werker, J.F., & Amano, S. (2007). Age-related changes in sensitivity to native phonotactics in Japanese infants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 122(3), 1332-5.

Soto-Faraco, S., Navarra, J., Weikum, W., Vouloumanos, A., Sebastián-Gallés, N., & Werker, J.F. (2007). Discriminating languages by speech-reading. Perception and Psychophysics, 69(2), 218-231.

Vallabha, G.K., McClelland, J., Pons, F., Werker, J. F., & Amano, S. (2007). Unsupervised learning of vowel categories from infant-directed speech. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 104(33), 13273-8.

Vouloumanos, A., & Werker, J.F. (2007a). Why voice melody alone cannot explain neonates’ preference for speech. Developmental Science, 10(2), 169-171. [Reply].

Vouloumanos, A., & Werker, J.F. (2007b). Listening to language at birth: Evidence for a bias for speech in neonates. Developmental Science, 10(2), 159-64.

Weikum, W., Vouloumanos, A., Navarra, J., Soto-Faraco, S., Sebastián-Gallés, N., & Werker, J.F. (2007). Visual language discrimination in infancy. Science, 316(5828), 1159.

Werker, J.F., Pons, F., Dietrich, C., Kajikawa, S., Fais, L., & Amano, S. (2007). Infant-directed speech supports phonetic category learning in English and Japanese. Cognition, 103(1), 147-62.


Kajikawa, S., Fais, L., Mugitani, R., Werker, J.F., & Amano, S. (2006). Cross-language sensitivity to phonotactic patterns in infants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 120(4), 2278-84.

Shi, R., Cutler, A., Werker, J.F., & Cruickshank, M. (2006). Frequency and form as determinants of functor sensitivity in English-acquiring infants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(6), EL61-7.

Shi, R., Werker, J.F., & Cutler, A. (2006). Recognition and representation of function words in English-learning infants. Infancy, 10(2), 187-98.

Weinstein, S., Werker, J.F., Vouloumanos, A., Woodward, T. S., & Ngan, E.T.C. (2006). Do you hear what I hear? Neural correlates of thought disorder during listening to speech in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 86(1-3), 130-7.


Fais, L., Kajikawa, S., Werker, J.F., & Amano, S. (2005). Japanese listeners’ perceptions of phonotactic violations. Speech and Language, 48(2), 185-201.

Werker, J.F., & Curtin, S. (2005). PRIMIR: A developmental framework of infant speech processing. Language Learning and Development, 1(2), 197-234.

Werker, J.F., & Tees, R.C. (2005). Speech perception as a window for understanding plasticity and commitment in language systems of the brain. Developmental Psychobiology, 46(3), 233-51.

Werker, J.F., & Yeung, H.H. (2005). Infant speech perception bootstraps word learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(11), 519-27.


Desjardins, R., & Werker, J.F. (2004). Is the integration of heard and seen speech mandatory for infants? Developmental Psychobiology, 45(4), 187-203.

Mills, D.L., Prat, C., Zangl, R., Stager, C.L., Neville, H.J., & Werker, J.F. (2004). Language experience and the organization of brain activity to phonetically similar words: ERP evidence from 14- and 20-month olds. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16(8), 1-13.

Pater, J., Stager, C.L., & Werker, J.F. (2004). The perceptual acquisition of phonological contrasts. Language, 80(3), 384-402.

Vouloumanos, A., & Werker, J.F. (2004). Tuned to the signal: The privileged status of speech for young infants. Developmental Science, 7(3), 270-6.


Chong, S.E., Werker, J.F., Russell, J.A., & Carroll, J.M. (2003). Three facial expressions mothers direct to their infants. Infant and Child Development, 12(3), 211-32.

Fennell, C.T., & Werker, J.F. (2003). Early word learners’ ability to access phonetic detail in well-known words. Language and Speech, 46(2), 245-64.

Ngan, E.T.C., Vouloumanos, A., Cairo, T.A., Laurens, K.R., Bates, A.T., Anderson, C.M., Werker, J.F., & Liddle P.F. (2003). Abnormal processing of speech during oddball target detection in schizophrenia. NeuroImage, 20(2), 889-97.

Patterson, M.L., & Werker, J.F. (2003). Two-month-old infants match phonetic information in lips and voice. Developmental Science, 6(2), 191-6.

Shi, R., & Werker, J.F. (2003). The basis of preference for lexical words in 6-month-old infants. Developmental Science, 6(5), 484-8.

Werker, J.F. (2003). Baby steps to learning language. Journal of Pediatrics (Supplement: Special Issue), 143(4), S62-9.


Aslin, R.N., Werker, J.F., & Morgan, J.L. (2002). Innate phonetic boundaries revisited. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112(4), 1257-60.

Maye, J., Werker, J.F., & Gerken, L.A. (2002). Infant sensitivity to distributional information can affect phonetic discrimination. Cognition, 82(3), B101-11.

Patterson, M.L., & Werker, J.F. (2002). Infants’ ability to match dynamic phonetic and gender information in the face and voice. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 81(1), 93-115.

Werker, J.F., Fennell, C.T., Corcoran, K., & Stager, C.L. (2002). Infants’ ability to learn phonetically similar words: Effects of age and vocabulary size. Infancy, 3(1), 1-30.


Innis, S.M., Gilley, J., & Werker, J.F. (2001). Are human milk long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids growth related to visual and neural development in breast-fed term infants? Journal of Pediatrics, 139(4), 532-8.

Neville, H., Mehler, J., Newport, E., Werker, J.F., & McClelland, J. (2001). Language [Special issue: The Developing Human Brain]. In M. I. Posner, M. K. Rothbart, M. Farah, & J. Bruer (Eds)., Developmental Science, 4(3), 293-312.

Shi, R., & Werker, J.F. (2001). Six-month-old infants’ preference for lexical over grammatical words. Psychological Science, 12(1), 70-5.

Vouloumanos, A., Kiehl, K., Werker, J.F., & Liddle, P. (2001). Detection of sounds in the auditory stream: Event-related fMRI evidence for differential activation to speech and nonspeech. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13(7), 994-1005.


Patterson, M.L., & Werker, J.F. (1999). Matching phonetic information in face and voice is robust in 4.5-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 22(2), 237-47.

Shi, R., Werker, J.F., & Morgan, J.L. (1999). Newborn infants’ sensitivity to perceptual cues to lexical and grammatical words. Cognition, 72(2), B11-21.

Werker, J.F., Cohen, L.B., Lloyd, V., Casasola, M., & Stager, C.L. (1998). Acquisition of word-object associations by 14-month-old infants. Developmental Psychology, 34(6), 1289-1309.

Desjardins, R.N., Rogers, J., & Werker, J.F. (1997). An exploration of why preschoolers perform differently than do adults in audiovisual speech perception tasks. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 66(1), 85-110.

Pegg, J.E., & Werker, J.F. (1997). Adult and infant perception of two English phones. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102(6), 3742-53.

Stager, C.L., & Werker, J.F. (1997). Infants listen for more phonetic detail in speech perception than in word learning tasks. Nature, 388(6640), 381-2.

Werker, J.F., Polka, L., & Pegg, J.E. (1997). The conditioned head turn procedure as a method for assessing infant speech perception. Early Development & Parenting, 6(3-4), 171-8.

Werker, J.F., & Desjardins, R.N. (1995). Listening to speech in the first year of life: Experiential influences on phoneme perception. Current Directions in Psychological Sciences, 4(3), 76-81. [Republished in 1997: T. F. Pettijohn (Ed.), Sources: Notable Selections in Psychology (2nd ed.; pp. 173-177). Guildford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group/Brown and Benchmark Publishers. Also republished in 2001: M. Tomasello & E. Bates (Eds.), Language development: The essential readings (pp. 26-33). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers].

Lalonde, C., & Werker, J.F. (1995). Cognitive influences on cross-language speech perception in infancy. Infant Behavior and Development, 18(4), 459-476.

Polka, L., & Werker, J.F. (1994). Developmental changes in perception of non-native vowel contrasts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 20(2), 421-35.

Werker, J.F., Pegg, J.E., & McLeod, P. (1994). A cross-language comparison of infant preference for infant-directed communication. Infant Behavior and Development, 17(3), 323-33.

Werker, J.F., & Polka, L. (1993). Developmental changes in speech perception: New challenges and new directions. Journal of Phonetics, 21(1-2), 83-101.

Pegg, J.E., Werker, J.F., & McLeod, P.J. (1992). Preference for infant-directed over adult-directed speech: Evidence from 7-week-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 15(3), 325-45.

Werker, J.F., Frost, P., & McGurk, H.E. (1992). La langue et les lévres: Cross-language influences on bimodal speech perception. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 46(4), 551-68.

Schrans, T., Werker, J.F., & Brown, R.E. (1990). Developmental differences in the accuracy of reporting the causal determinants of behaviours. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 13(2), 251-62.


Werker, J.F., Bryson, S.E., & Wassenberg, K. (1989). Toward understanding the problem in severely disabled readers. Part II: Consonant errors. Applied Psycholinguistics, 10(1), 13-30.

Bryson, S.E., & Werker, J.F. (1989). Toward understanding the problem in severely disabled readers. Part I: Vowel errors. Applied Psycholinguistics, 10(1), 1-12.

Werker, J.F. (1989). Becoming a native listener: A developmental perspective on human speech perception. American Scientist, 77(1), 54-59. [Republished in 1991: J. S. DeLoache (Ed.), Current readings in child development (pp. 99-106). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Also republished in 1993: R. H. Wozniak (Ed.), Worlds of childhood reader (pp. 166-172). New York: Harper Collins College Publishers. Also republished in 1994: J. S. DeLoache (Ed.), Current readings in child development (2nd ed., pp. 88-95). Boston: Allyn and Bacon].

Werker, J.F., & McLeod, P.J. (1989). Infant preference for both male and female infant-directed talk: A developmental study of attentional and affective responsiveness. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 43(2), 230-46.

Werker, J.F., & Lalonde, C.E. (1988). Cross-language speech perception: Initial capabilities and developmental change. Developmental Psychology, 24(5), 672-83.

Werker, J.F., & Tees, R.C. (1987). Speech perception in severely disabled and average reading children. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 41(1), 48-6l. [Figure 2 reprinted in Takeda, K., & Wobuko, O. “Learning disability and temporal lobe.” Temporal Lobe].

Werker, J.F. (1986). The effect of multilingualism on phonetic perceptual flexibility. Applied Psycholinguistics, 7(2), 141-55.

Werker, J.F., & Logan, J.S. (1985). Cross-language evidence for three factors in speech perception. Perception and Psychophysics, 37(1), 35-44.

Tees, R.C., & Werker, J.F. (1984). Perceptual flexibility: Maintenance or recovery of the ability to discriminate non-native speech sounds. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 38(4), 579-90.

Werker, J.F., & Tees, R.C. (1984). Phonemic and phonetic factors in adult cross-language speech perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 75(6), 1866-78.

Werker, J.F., & Tees, R.C. (1984). Cross-language speech perception: Evidence for perceptual reorganization during the first year of life. Infant Behavior and Development, 7(1), 49-63. [Republished in 1992: J. L. Miller, R. D. Kent, & B. S. Atal (Eds.), Papers in speech communication: Speech perception (pp. 733-747). New York: Acoustical Society of America Press. Also republished in 2002 with three commentaries for their special 25th anniversary issue: Infant Behavior and Development, 25(1), 121-33].

Werker, J.F., & Tees, R.C. (1983). Developmental changes across childhood in the perception of non-native speech sounds. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 37(2), 278-86. [Republished in 1988: M. Courage (Ed.), Readings in Developmental Psychology (pp. 229-39). Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press].

Werker, J.F., Gilbert, J.H.V., Humphrey, G.K., & Tees, R.C. (1981). Developmental aspects of cross-language speech perception. Child Development, 52(1), 349-55.


Humphrey, K., Tees, R.C., & Werker, J.F. (1979). Auditory-visual integration of temporal relations in infants. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 33(4), 347-52.

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Commentaries, Introductions, and Book Reviews

Reh, R., Arredondo, M., & Werker, J.F. (2018). Understanding individual variation in levels of second language attainment through the lens of critical period mechanisms. [Commentary on “Rethinking the critical period for language: New insights into an old question from American Sign Language” by R.L. Mayberry & K. Kluender]. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21(5), 930-931.

Werker, J.F. (2018). Speech perception, word learning, and language acquisition in infancy: The voyage continues. [Reply to Commentaries]. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39(4), 767-777.

Bialystok, E., & Werker, J.F. (2017). The Systematic Effects of Bilingualism on Children’s Development. [Introduction to Special Issue]. Developmental Science, 20, e12535.

Choi, D., Kandhadai, P., Danielson, D.K., Bruderer, A.G., & Werker, J.F. (2017). Does early motor development contribute to speech perception? [Peer commentary on “Neonatal Imitation in Context: Sensory-Motor Development in the Perinatal Period” by N. Keven & K.A. Akins]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 40, e388.

Werker, J.F. (2012). [Review of Discovering Speech, Words and Mind]. Language, 88(1), 185-8.

Werker, J.F., Hall, D.G., & Fais, L. (2004). Reconstruing U-shaped Functions. [Commentary]. Journal of Cognition and Development, 5(1), 147-51.

Aslin, R.N., Werker, J.F., & Morgan, J.L. (2002). Innate phonetic boundaries revisited. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 112(4), 1257-60.

Werker, J.F., & Patterson, M.L. (2001). Does perceptual learning really contribute to word-learning? Developmental Science, 4(1), 26-8.

Werker, J.F., & Vouloumanos, A. (2000). Who’s got rhythm? [Invited perspective]. Science, 288(5464), 280-1. [Republished in 2000, May 8 as Langage en collaboration avec le magazine ‘Science’; Les animaux reconnaissent aussi le rythme de chaque langue. Le Figaro]. French Version

Werker, J.F., & Stager, C.L. (1995). [Review of the book What infants know: The new cognitive science of early development]. Early Development & Parenting, 4(2), 90.1-2.

Werker, J.F. (1993). The contribution of the relation between vocal production and perception to a phonological system. [Commentary.] Journal of Phonetics, 21, 177-180.

Werker, J.F. (1989). [Peer commentary on “Infants’ perception of musical sequences: Implications for language acquisition” by Sandra Trehub]. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 13(3), 13-4.

Werker, J.F. (1988). [Review of the book Language Learning and Concept Acquisition: Foundational Issues]. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 20(1), 113-116. doi:10.1037/h0084797.

Werker, J.F. (1984). [Review of the book Phonological Acquisition and Change]. Applied Psycholinguistics, 5(4), 383-7.

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Conference Proceedings

Danielson, D.K., Tam, C., Kandhadai, P., & Werker, J.F. (2016). Infants’ use of temporal and phonetic information in the encoding of audiovisual speech. Journal of the Canadian Acoustic Association, 44(3), 192-193.

Burns, T.C., Werker, J.F., & McVie, K. (2003). Development of phonetic categories in infants raised in bilingual and monolingual environments. In B. Beachley, A. Brown, & F. Conlin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Curtin, S., & Werker, J.F. (2004). Patterns of new word-object associations. In B. Beachley, A. Brown, & F. Conlin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 120-128). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Fennell, C.T., & Werker, J.F. (2004). Infant attention to phonetic detail: Knowledge and familiarity effects. In B. Beachley, A. Brown, & F. Conlin (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (pp. 165-176). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Shi, R., Werker, J.F., & Cutler, A. (2003). Function words in early speech perception. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 3009-3012). Adelaide: Causal Productions.

Werker, J.F. (2003). The acquisition of language specific phonetic categories in infancy. Proceedings of the International Conference of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 21-26). Adelaide: Causal Productions.

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Book Chapters

Rutter, M., & Werker, J.F. (2021). A Conversation with Michael Rutter. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology. (Online Version)

Reh, R., & Werker, J.F. (2020). Infant Speech Perception. In J. Lochman & C. Tamis-Lemonda (Eds). Cambridge Handbook of Infant Development (pp. 579-601). Cambridge University Press.

Werker, J.F., & Ward, L. (2018). Critical periods and early experience. In P. Tortilla & M. Turin (Eds). Memory (pp. 121-128). Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, University of British Columbia.

Bowman, L.C., Pierce, L.J., Nelson, C.A., & Werker, J.F. (2018). The neural foundations of cognition and language. In R. Gibb & B. Kolb (Eds). The Neurobiology of Brain and Behavioral Development (pp. 257-290). Elsevier.

Wojcik, E., de la Cruz Pavía, I., & Werker, J.F. (2017). Language Acquisition. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press. Online only.

May, L., Zamuner, T., & Werker, J.F. (2017). Phonological development in first languages. In O. Kang, R.Thompson, & J.M. Murphy (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of English Pronunciation (pp. 58-74). Abington: Routledge Press.

Werker, J.F. & Gervain, J. (2013). Speech Perception: A Foundation for Language Acquisition. In P. Zelazo (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology (pp. 909-925). Oxford UK: Oxford University Press.

Soto-Faraco, S., Calabresi, M., Navarra, J., Werker, J.F. & Lewkowicz, D.J. (2012). Development of audiovisual speech perception. In A. Bremner, D. Lewkowicz and C. Spence (eds). Multisensory Development (pp. 435-452). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Navarra, J., Yeung, H., Werker, J.F., Soto-Faraco, S. (2012). Multisensory interactions in speech perception. In B. Stein. (Ed.). The New Handbook of Multisensory Processes (pp. 207-228). USA: MIT Press.

Werker, J.F., Maurer, D.M., & Yoshida, K. (2009). Perception. In M. Bornstein (Ed)., Handbook of cultural developmental science (pp. 89-125). New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Werker, J.F., & Fennell, C.T. (2009). Infant speech perception and later language acquisition: Methodological underpinnings. In J. Colombo, P. McCardle, & L. Freund (Eds.), Infant pathways to language: methods, models, and research directions (pp. 85-98). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Gervain, J., & Werker, J.F. (2008). How infant speech perception contributes to language acquisition. In Language and linguistic compass, 2(6) (an on-line series; pp. 1149-1170). Blackwell Publishing.

Curtin, S., & Werker, J.F. (2007). The perceptual foundations of phonological development. In G. Gaskell (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of psycholinguistics (pp. 579-599). Oxford University Press.

Saffran, J.R., Werker, J.F., & Werner, L.A. (2006). The infant’s auditory world: Hearing, speech, and the beginnings of language. In W. Damon & R.M. Lerner (Series Eds.) & R. Siegler & D. Kuhn (Vol. Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 2. Cognition, perception and language (6th ed., pp. 58-108). New York: Wiley.

Werker, J.F., Weikum, W.M., & Yoshida, K.A. (2006). Bilingual speech processing in infants and adults. In P. McCardle & E. Hoff (Eds.), Childhood bilingualism: Research on infancy through schoolage (pp. 1-18). London: Multilingual Matters.

Werker, J.F., & Fennell, C.T. (2004). Listening to sounds versus listening to words: Early steps in word learning. In G. Hall & S. Waxman (Eds.), Weaving a lexicon (pp. 79-109). MIT Press.

Werker, J.F., & Vouloumanos, A. (2001). Speech and language processing in infancy: A neurocognitive approach. In C. A. Nelson & M. Luciana (Eds.), Handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience (pp. 269-280). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Werker, J.F., & Stager, C.L. (2000). Developmental changes in infant speech perception and early word learning: Is there a link? In M. Broe & J. Pierre-Humbert (Eds.), Papers in laboratory phonology 5 (pp. 181-193). Cambridge University Press.

Werker, J.F., & Tees, R.C. (1999). Influences on infant speech processing: Toward a new synthesis. In J. T. Spence (Ed.) & J.M. Darley & D.J. Foss (Assoc. Eds.), Annual review of psychology, Vol. 50 (pp. 509-535). Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews.

Stager, C.L., & Werker, J.F. (1998). Methodological issues in studying the link between speech perception and word learning. In C. Rovee-Collier, L. P. Lipsitt, & H. Hayne (Series Eds.), Advances in infancy research (pp. 237-256). Stamford, CT: Ablex Publishing Company.

Werker, J.F., Shi, R., Desjardins, R., Pegg, J.E., Polka, L., & Patterson, M.L. (1998). Three methods for testing infant speech perception. In A. M. Slater (Ed.), Perceptual development: Visual, auditory, and speech perception in infancy (pp. 389-420). London: UCL Press.

Werker, J.F., Lloyd, V.L., Pegg, J.E., & Polka, L. (1996). Putting the baby in the bootstraps: Toward a more complete understanding of the role of the input on infant speech processing. In J. Morgan & K. Demuth (Eds.), Signal to syntax: Bootstrapping from speech to grammar in early acquisition (pp. 427-447). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Werker, J.F. (1995). Age-related changes in cross-language speech perception: Standing at the cross-roads. In W. Strange (Ed.), Speech perception and linguistic experience: Theoretical and methodological issues in cross-language speech perception (pp. 155-169). Baltimore, MD: York Press.

Werker, J.F. (1995). Exploring developmental changes in cross-language speech perception. In D. Osherson (Series Ed.) & L. Gleitman & M. Liberman (Vol Eds.), An invitation to cognitive science, Part I: Language (pp. 87-106). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Werker, J.F. (1994). Cross-language speech perception: Developmental change does not involve loss. In J. Goodman & H. Nusbaum (Eds.), The development of speech perception: The transition from speech sounds to spoken words (pp. 112-149). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Diamond, A., Werker, J.F., & Lalonde, C.E. (1994). Toward understanding commonalities in the development of object detour navigation, categorization, and speech perception. In K. Fischer & G. Dawson (Eds.), Human Behavior and Brain Development (pp. 380-426). New York: Guildford Press.

Werker, J.F., & Polka, L. (1993). The ontogeny and developmental significance of language specific phonetic perception. In B. de Boysson-Bardies, S. de Schonen, P. Jusczyk, P. McNeilage, & J. Morton (Eds.), Developmental neurocognition: Speech and face processing in the first year of life (pp. 275-288). The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Werker, J.F. (1993). Developmental changes in cross-language speech perception: Implications for cognitive science. In G. Altman & R. Shillcock (Eds.), Cognitive models of speech processing: The Sperlonga Meeting II (pp. 57-78). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Lalonde, C.E., & Werker, J.F. (1993). Le dévelopment de la perception de la parole. In V. Pouthas & F. Jouen (Eds.), Les comportements du bébé: Expression de son savoir? (pp. 271-284). Bruxelles: Mardaga Publishers.

Werker, J.F., & Tees, R.C. (1992). The organization and reorganization of human speech perception. In M. Cowan (Ed.), Annual Review of Neuroscience, 15, (pp. 377-402). Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews.

Werker, J.F., & Pegg, J.E. (1992). Infant speech perception and phonological acquisition. In C. Ferguson, L. Menn, & C. Stoel-Gammon (Eds.), Phonological development: Models, research, and implications (pp. 285-311). York Publishing Company.

Werker, J.F. (1991). The ontogeny of speech perception. In I.G. Mattingly & M. Studdert-Kennedy (Eds.), Modularity and the motor theory of speech perception (pp. 91-109). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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